URATSAKIDOGI feat. Louna - Valhallala

Russie - Extrait de l'album "Black Hop" (2018)
Sites officiels:,

Ura’s here!
Black Hop beat from the Northern Abyss.
On the wings of the Arctic winds
Beasts from the icy outskirts
Gather to party at the Throne of the Might.

North is the birthplace of gloom, the cradle of Frost and Darkness.
The forge of pain and fear, the heart of eternal winter.
The wailing of wolves never ceases under the funereal moon
The Black Hop Hammer fucking smashes the shit in the lands occupied by the Horde.
Black Hop, frozen meat, the echo of a thousand battles.
Black Hop, shaking the earth, to the screech of pagan prayers.
It’s a party in the Arctic Ghetto at the Dark Throne, All Stars booze-up,
DJ, catch up with the vibe and turn the fuck up Everyba in da hauz!

The gates of immortality and glory are opened.
The Legion is fierce and violently wasted.
Homies obey the hymns of valkyries,
Just fucking diving into the ice vortex.

The world in agony is breakdancing armageddon-style.
Ghetto beast is totally stoned, trapped in a furious trance.
Winter beasts laugh at the stinking drunks battling.
Death is their prize, for berserkers of nocturn get high on poison.
Young evil punks choke on disgusting concoction,
Prurient booty sways to the fuck groove.
Witches howl in ecstasy, as the black seed shoots out.
Blizzard sledgehammers smash everything, as the dirty scum orgy rages on.

The gates of immortality and glory are opened.
The Legion is fierce and violently wasted.
Homies obey the hymns of valkyries,
Just fucking diving into the ice vortex.

  • 3 votes. Moyenne 3.7 sur 5.


  • CROM
    • 1. CROM Le 21/03/2020
    Salut !
    Est-ce vraiment le site pour partager ce genre de "truc" ?
    Après, vous faites ce que vous voulez...

  • Girard Hervé
    • 2. Girard Hervé Le 15/03/2020
    un groupe on ne peu plus original !! le mélange des styles musicaux est excellent , très belle découverte ! que je ne manquerai pas de partager

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